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Monthly Support Groups and Programs

Please see our Calendar Page for more Information

Special Angels Group * Partnering with Palisades Family Success Center
(For caregivers who have youth on the spectrum)

The goal for this support group is for caregivers to become aware and educated about the system of care and about the available resources within their own community. We offer support and guidance in a family-oriented environment. Special Angels is designed to enhance its counterpart youth participation program. 
While the caregiver participates in our support group, their youth will be engaged in an all-volunteer facilitated group, where they will craft, socialize, learn and, most importantly, feel at home.

Group Meets the first Thursday of every month at 5:30pm

Join Special Angels Zoom Meeting Here!

Zoom Meeting: 914-647-285​


For more information: Contact Maria Merlos,

Moms Helping Moms

Mothers support group, Lets Talk in a Stigma and Judgement Free Environment!


Join Us Every Third Thursday Afternoon 

11:30am - 1:30pm

Bethune Center, 140 Milk DR, Second Floor, Jersey City NJ

For more information: Contact Monique Cox,

Mujeres Maravillosas

Female Spanish speaking support group
Grupo de apoyo en español para madres de niños con problemas emocionales, mentales y de conducta severa.

Spanish support group for mothers and female caregivers of children with mental and emotional problems and severe behavior.

Join Us Every 1er Tuesday of the Month

1408 New York Ave, Union City NJ 07087

10:00 AM 

For more information: Contact Maria Merlos,

Join Our Youth Partnership Program! 

Youth Partnership of Hudson County is a peer support and advocacy group for youth ages 13-21 within Family Support Organizations. We are an officially recognized chapter of Youth MOVE National, a youth led national organization devoted to improving services and systems that support positive growth and development by uniting the voices of individuals who have lived experience in various systems 
including mental health, juvenile justice, education and child welfare.

Youth Partnership focuses on building youth life skills through various activities, discussions, and workshops such as:

  • Understanding mental health and it's effects

  • Developing leadership skills

  • Developing academic skills

  • Establishing strong family bonds

  • Promoting youth advocacy

  • Discussions related to youth topics such as bullying, relationships, and school

  • Activities that engage with the community through local events such as city cleaning, food and clothing drives

  • Promoting Wellness within Mental Health


YP Meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 4:30 to 5:30pm and occasionally on other days if necessary for special events.

Book Club Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 4:30pm to 5:30pm and occasionally on other days if necessary for special events.

For more information: Contact Youth Coach Maria Flores mflores@family

Hablemos con Jeffry

Spanish Speaking Support group  
Nuestro grupo ofrese terapia grupal para padre, cuidadores y  adulto en general, en un ambiente seguro para todos,  nos reunimos cada tercer Jueves de cada mes  en persona  10:00am en 516 51str West New York NJ 07093   For  more information : Maria Merlos ,

Let's Talk w/Keith

English Speaking Support group
Our group offers group therapy for parents, caregivers, in a safe enviroment , This  Group is Virtual via ZOOM  Every second Saturday of each month 11:00am  and  Every fourth Tuesday of the month 5:00pm 

For more information : Maria Merlos,


Spanish speaking support group

Capasitamos a padres con temas enfocados en la educacion especial nos reunimos cada segundo y cuarto lunes de cada mes  5:pm via zoom

For more information: Maria Merlos,

Family Partners of Hudson County

110B Meadowlands Pkwy, Ste 305

Secaucus, NJ 07094

© 2012  Family Partners of Hudson County. All Rights Reserved.

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